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vandaglas bv | doorloop- en doorvalveilig glas
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extra optie isolatieglas

Safety | safe glass partitions

Be alert to fall-through and walk-through risks. Whether or not there is a difference in height between the two sides of the glass partition determines the type of safety glass

Walk-through insulating glass minimizes the risk of injury in the event of an impact on a glass partition with no floor level difference on both sides of the glass. Consider, for example, a sliding door, facade glazing from floor to ceiling or door construction with glass from less than 80 cm from the ground.

It is important to assess on which side a possible impact can occur. In most cases, it is about the risk of accidentally bumping into the glass partition. On the side where the impact load can take place, we use glass with a safe fracture pattern.

If laminated safety glass ProtectPerform breaks, it will not fall apart into sharp pieces, but the shards will stick to the foil in a star shape. This also keeps the separation intact.

When fully tempered SafePerform or semi-tempered (or pre-stressed) DurciPerform safety glass breaks, it disintegrates into relatively unsharp grains. Where necessary, we make both the inner and outer panes of safety glass.

vandaglas bv | doorloopveilig glasvandaglas | doorloopveilig glasvandaglas bv | doorloopveilig glasvandaglas bv | doorloopveilig glas

Where there is a difference in level on both sides of the glass partition, glazing takes on the function of a floor partition or parapet. In the event of breakage, there is a risk of objects falling out and falling down, or even worse, people or animals. This is where the need arises to use fall-through-resistant glass. This places additional demands on the choice of glass structure. A choice can have major consequences. It is important to calculate the glass strength properly and to adjust it to the window dimensions, but also to the building function and the effects on the building function and the associated impact load factors.

The pane on the side where the impact load can take place is in any case laminated safety glass. The situation determines the structure of the laminated glass composition.

The right safety glass can be vital!

The safety of glazing as part of the architectural construction is a complex phenomenon that requires tailor-made advice. vandaglas has everything to help you make the right choices. In any case, we always supply fall-resistant insulation glass in laminated safety glass with tempered glass panels that are another 5x stronger than ordinary glass. With Vandaglas you are assured of a safe building for everyone.

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